Thursday, April 9, 2009

Whoa, vertigo daffodils!

From Europe 2009

I promise I didn't then fall off the wall. This is in York, by the way. So are the rest of the pics in this post.

From Europe 2009

From Europe 2009

From Europe 2009
I've had to do some genealogy in the past and as it turns out, this guy is one of my ancestors, King Edward I, otherwise known as Longshanks. It seems we've always been grumpy bastards with stupid hair.

From Europe 2009
But as far as I'm aware, I'm not related to either of the mouthbreathers. It looks like they were caught by the camera.... except it was by a chiseler. He must've been fast.

From Europe 2009

York Minster. So huge it can't even fit in the camera frame. Pretty impressive, isn't it?


Amy said...

I thought York was really luvverly when I visited... seems I missed out on the daffodil-fest but I did fall over the wall... so there's that.

Middle Child said...

It is impressive...glad you didn't fall into the daffodils...and from what I know about longshancks...he didn't bear crossing much...