Thursday, May 14, 2009

Argh, my legs!

For having finished hiking by noon, I am absurdly sore. Granted, the trail was straight up, straight down and covered with snow in areas, but still.

The scenery here in the Alps is a lot like what you'd see in the Rockies and in parts of the Cascades. The difference is that after seeing a waterfall, hiking though the woods and scurrying up rock slopes, you can stop for lunch at a restaurant and have a hot meal with a cold beer. Civilization is always right around the corner, which is weird for a girl from the Pacific Northwest. Getting out to places like this at home require driving for hours and probably hiking for awhile too. Hope you brought your own beer and hotdogs too, because there isn't a store for miles.

Speaking of which, I just bought a huge tub of yogurt and I may have to rescue it from the hosteler horde that just showed up.

1 comment:

Middle Child said...

Can you imagine how fit people are who live in areas like this...I am shit at climbing all sounds so beautiful...I like the idea of being in the wilderness with a coffee shop around the corner.