Monday, September 10, 2007


Oh my god, WiFi and real coffee!!!!! I'm in heaven, I think. I'm coalescing (is that the right word? I can't even think straight) posts from the past few days and I should have them up soon. Right now I'm bathing in the glow of global connections and information at my fingertips. It's awing, really.


j kieselguhr said...

'coalescing' will do just fine. we know what you mean. i'm awing too :o)

Anonymous said...

sara, sara, sara... on a big adventure!!! why don't you ever get over GLASGOW way!!!

Sara said...

Amy, because Glasgow is wayyyy north and I've been stuck in the vortex of Mayo/Galway. You'll understand once I post again. For now I'm absolutely starving and tired and can't decide if I want to sleep or try and find food at 11pm. I am squeezing in a trip to Harrogate in England this week to visit my army buddy. Mostly I'll be riding on trains between there and Liverpool, but that's as far north on that island I'm getting this time.