Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Some thoughts on Texas

- Texans require television with their meals like the rest of us require silverware. Sure, there aren't any TVs at Taco Bell, but then there isn't any silverware either.

- Texans drive sloooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww. Like, under-the-speed-limit slow. The only people that have blown past me when I've had the cruise control set at a mere five mph over the limit have had out of state plates.

- Related to above, it's actually faster on highways than the interstates, because you can drive 110mph down the flat stretches. There aren't any overpasses for the cops to hide under and hardly any other cars to negotiate with.

- We saw a huge brush fire late at night en route to Killeen. At least, I hope it was just a brush fire, because I'd feel bad if I was oooing at someone's house burning down.

- There is a deer goddamn infestation in central Texas. There is just no way that there is enough edible plant life to sustain that large of a population. I pretty much drove down the centerline the whole way, only moving over for the firetrucks headed towards the above mentioned brush fire.

- A Killeen in Ireland is an unconsecrated graveyard or a children's cemetery. I find it morbidly fitting that Killeen, TX is the home of the U.S. Army's largest post.

- Holy suburban strip mall chain stores! Blech!

- Shiner Bock, the official beer of Texas, is kinda meh.

- We saw a flamingo!

More later...


Unknown said...

Funny... I was reading this post, ready to chime in on how horrendous Texas is (I lived in San Antonio for 7 long months when my ex was in the army at Ft. Sam), and on what gawd awful drivers Texans are, and wondering how you were in Texas on the 28th and in England on the 31st, when I finally noticed the YEAR! Duh! Regardless, I know exactly what you mean about Texan drivers, Texas in general, and Texas cops. And for the record, the Dairy Queen looks even MORE mind-numbingly inviting when it's the middle of July, 190 degrees in the shade, and your car has no A/C.

Sara said...

Gina, hahaha, yeah I haven't really been anywhere in awhile, hence the year long gap.

I actually love Texas in that it's completely different than any other part of the US. I also lived there in a military related endeavor for 6 months or so in the middle of summer. Yeah, the weather is INSANE! No A/C in the car is unthinkable!