Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Last Full Day in Logrono

It's time to move on so I don't end up actually moving in here. I'm getting too used to staying up 'til three, sleeping 'til noon and taking a siesta every afternoon. I'm never going to leave if I don't run away and soon. So tomorrow I'm off to Barcelona for a day, then an overnight train (hopefully) to Milan and then Venice. Yeah, Venice! There was an Indiana Jones AND a Bond movie filmed there! Oh and of course there's other stuff too. I'm sure it's all important.

Afterward, I'll be a couple days in Florence and then three days in Rome. I'd also like to see Pompeii, but Naples and the surrounding area sounds like a huge pain in the ass, so we'll see. I'm personally really excited about heading up north again to the land of sensible people that understand the concept of breakfast.

Last night we went out for a couple of drinks and ended up being mobbed by a group of Catalans who had spent the day touring bodegas (wineries) and were consequently nearly destroyed by the time midnight rolled around. For anyone in such a state, shots are probably not the wisest idea, but always seem to sound that way, so the kids put back some more and pretty soon they were practically puddles, groping, slurring and dropping their drinks. Honestly though, it was a fun night. They were at the bar solely to have a good time and get laid and I absolutely can't fault them for that. It was also one of those times that being a foreigner is fuggin' AWESOME. Despite the fact that there were much cuter girls in the bar and that the language barrier was definitely huge, I had my pick of adorable Barcelonians (er, whatever they're called).

Unfortunately, during the melee my cousin attempted to take embarrassing pictures of me and when she tried to get the flash to work, accidentally erased all of my pictures and videos. I'm currently trying to recover those, but it's taking forever. Meantime, I'll post some pics of those I have.

1 comment:

Middle Child said...

You know when I was you age...I would have loved to have done what you are doing... but for each of us there is a plan...if I had...Don would have still had hisaccident and we would have not had our two kids...before... I can see the places you go tio and others through your eyes. i have promised myself that one day i will go back to irelan and place my hand on the land of my ancestors...apart from that i am happy to be where i am... haven't seen Australia yet and will do soon enough after the stuff I am doing is done.

Enjoy sara...you are creating the best memories...and i am enjoying them through you...so thanks...