Thursday, September 13, 2007


Quick post from the Middle of Nowhere, England, where I'm having about as fabulous of a time that one can have in such a place. I'm back to Cork tomorrow afternoon, which means I have to leave here ridiculously early in order to make my flight from Liverpool, which somehow takes FOREVER to get to, even though it's not really that far away. Tomorrow night I'll be in Killarney at a nice hostel I stayed in a few years ago, which has free WiFi and stuff so I'll have time to post a real blog then. Plus, the Timbers are playing, so I'll be up all night trying to follow that from 4,500 miles away.


j kieselguhr said...

hey, i can almost see you just south of me. me and amy and S1 say hi!!!!

Sara said...

Hi you and amy and S1! I waved northward this morning before I left. :)