Sunday, October 14, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I already blogged about Tralee, so here's just a picture or two.

Pretty sunset!Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I actually two about twenty shots of this, playing with the light settings on my camera. I like how they have flowers in the middle of the roundabouts. There may not be many trees in Ireland, but at least in some areas there are other pretty things growing.


Middle Child said...

Home of my heart. Its so beautiful

j kieselguhr said...

good shots. the english and their servants cut down the trees to clear the land for hunting and for fuel to feed the ironworks here and there... oh, and because they are fuckin' heathens. others were cut down by the oirish peasants so they could grown subsistence crops on their strips of land. altogether, a right shambles and pretty much on a par with the general fuckupedness of humans